Going on an Adventure!

Man, it was hard, though, and is it ever still. There are leaps ahead often followed by stumbling falls backward, but generally there’s that thwumpsnick sound of my feet getting sucked back down into the mud, and there’s me with both hands trying to pull it back out to take another step.

Mindfulness: A Primer

Paramedics as a general rule tend towards the technical. It’s what attracts a lot of us to the field, as it was for me. By understanding that mindfulness at its core is an evidence-based, peer-reviewed technique, I was able to use it more effectively than I had before, even though it’s not a fancy sciency word.

The Anxiety Scale

Nobody ever taught us much about panic attacks in paramedic school, or at least to the degree that I remember. It may well have been a module in the wee psychology course we took, but the only thing I can really recall from that was giving a presentation on kleptomania and as I did, walking between the desks and casually nicking pens, lighters, and coffee cups. I thought I was being terribly clever.

CBT: A Primer

Before 2003 I’d never heard of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, CBT, but it had fancy sciency words in the name and I like fancy sciency words, they comfort me. The social worker/therapist facilitating it, however, never explained what it was or the basis of its efficacy. I think I was expected to know by instinct, or simply follow along and reap the benefits by rote use of what I thought were silly schoolboy exercises from a book with cartoon illustrations like a first-grade speller.